I am using WebKitGTK+ in a larger GTKmm/C++ application. I am using JavaScriptCore to interact with the WebKitWebFrame and JSContext within.
I am stuck now as I need to interact with a GTK GUI component when a javascript function is called. To this end I found the JSObjectMakeFunctionWithCallback function.
JSStringRef str = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("ClickCallback");
JSObjectRef func = JSObjectMakeFunctionWithCallback(m_jsRef, str, ClickCallback);
JSObjectSetProperty(m_jsRef, JSContextGetGlobalObject(m_jsRef), str, func, kJSPropertyAttributeNone, NULL);
Where the callback must be defined as a static function with def:
static JSValueRef ClickCallback(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef func, JSObjectRef self, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exception)
So everything is working except I need my object instance in the callback to get back at the GUI component I need to manipulate.
There are tons of similar questions on SO but most focus on passing the object instance into the callback. I can not see a way of doing that with this API.
Any ideas?
The callback is required to be a pointer to a free function, so no amount of magic can get you to pass a member function directly. One common solution is to make an intermediate global free function that holds the object instance:
JSValueRef ClickCallback(...)
Foo & obj = getInstance(); // implement this somehow
return obj.click(...);
Alternatively, you can make this a static member function of your GUI class. The main point is that you must obtain the instance reference separately and call the member function yourself if you have to pass a plain function pointer to your API.