I have a pipeline with 2 jobs.
In WaitDeployStatus (1) I am trying to use an agentless job with Invoke Rest API. In this step, I need to post on an URL, the URL requires OAuth authentication
I can get the OAuth token from the previous job (CheckoutAndDeploy) and set isOutput=true to make the var available for other jobs (like described in the documentation) but I am unable to use it in job 2.
I already tried:
$[ dependencies.Get_Access_Token.outputs['SOMEREF.ACCESS_TOKEN'] ]"
$[ dependencies.Get_Access_Token.CheckoutAndDeploy.outputs['SOMEREF.ACCESS_TOKEN'] ]"
$[ stageDependencies.CheckoutAndDeploy.outputs['SOMEREF.ACCESS_TOKEN'] ]"
To set the variable is a bash task with this code:
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=ACCESS_TOKEN;isOutput=true]$TOKEN_REQUEST"
Then I use SOMEREF as a reference name to access the variable.
The below usage will be able to pass the runtime variables from agent job to agentless job:
- none
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- job: A #agent job
- bash: |
echo "A"
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=outputVar;isoutput=true]<Auth information here>"
name: passOutput
- job: B #agentless job
pool: server
dependsOn: A
myVarFromJobA: $[ dependencies.A.outputs['passOutput.outputVar'] ]
- task: InvokeRESTAPI@1
connectionType: 'connectedServiceName'
serviceConnection: 'GetProjects'
method: 'GET'
headers: |
"Authorization": "$(myVarFromJobA)"
waitForCompletion: 'false'
Auth passed, I can successfully get the results here: