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jest.createMockFromModule vs jest.mock

I'm learning unit testing with jest. I can not understand the difference between the jest.createMockFromModule and jest.mock. Seems that they do the same? Can someone please explain me the difference?


  • jest.mock - does module auto-mocking and implicitly replaces imported module in the test file. If you provide fabric function by the second argument it will define the module implementation like:

    jest.mock('./moduleName', () => ({
        default: 12345 // default constant definition
        MyClass: { // Named export object or class definition
            get: () => { /* get method class definition */ }
        /* etc... */

    You also can override only part of imported module.

    jest.createMockFromModule - generates auto-mocked module and returns it as a value. It is useful in the manual mocking. You can override required module values:

    // __mocks__/MyModule.js
    const moduleName = jest.createMockFromModule('./moduleName');
    moduleName.someNamedImport = () => 12345; // override method implementation
    expect(moduleName.default.mocked).toBeTruthy(); // to check default import auto-mocking