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Frame 2:26 - Why does conso have a strange cube?

In frame 26 we get the definition for cons0:

(degree (conso a d p)
  (== `(,a ■ ,d) p))

The book hasn't mentioned yet what these black cubes are supposed to do. What does it mean?

One hint is in frame 3-4 where it is mentioned that '(d a t e ■ s) is not a proper list.


  • That's just a dot:

    (defrel (cons° a d p) (== `(,a . ,d) p))

    The obsession with the quasiquote is quite unhelpful here, in my opinion. It seem much easier to me to read when written as the equivalent

    (defrel (cons° a d p) (== (cons a d) p))