I am trying to code a python AST that can unparse the if statement node. Here is my code -
import ast
tree = ast.parse("""
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
def age_change(self):
return self.age + 5
return self.age
for node in ast.walk(tree):
if(isinstance(node, ast.If)):
print(ast.get_source_segment(tree, node))
However, when I do that, I get the following error -
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\thoma\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\PyCharmCE2020.3\scratches\scratch_21.py", line 20, in <module>
print(ast.get_source_segment(tree, node))
File "C:\Users\thoma\anaconda3\envs\torch_1\lib\ast.py", line 354, in get_source_segment
lines = _splitlines_no_ff(source)
File "C:\Users\thoma\anaconda3\envs\torch_1\lib\ast.py", line 307, in _splitlines_no_ff
while idx < len(source):
TypeError: object of type 'Module' has no len()
I got the documentation for get_source_segment from here - https://docs.python.org/3/library/ast.html and therefore am not sure why I am getting this error.
@jasonharper is correct. The first parameter should be a string having the source code. Here is the correct code -
import ast
code = """
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
def age_change(self):
return self.age + 5
return self.age
tree = ast.parse(code)
for node in ast.walk(tree):
if(isinstance(node, ast.If)):
print(ast.get_source_segment(code, node))