I would like to define a strongly typed form with a recursive field:
import { FormArray, FormControl, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms';
export interface ICodeSystemConceptForm {
code: FormControl<string>;
display: FormControl<string>;
definition: FormControl<string>;
concept: FormArray<FormControl<ICodeSystemConceptForm>>;
I have a function to create and return the form. Notice the concept
field is recursive:
export const initCodeSystemConceptForm = (concept?: fhir4.CodeSystemConcept, codeDisabled = false): ICodeSystemConceptForm => {
return {
code: new FormControl(
value: concept?.code || '',
disabled: codeDisabled,
[ Validators.required ]
display: new FormControl(concept?.display || ''),
definition: new FormControl(concept?.definition || ''),
concept: new FormArray(concept?.concept?.map(nestedConcept => initCodeSystemConceptForm(nestedConcept)) || []),
The compiler is complaining that:
Argument of type 'ICodeSystemConceptForm[]' is not assignable to parameter of type 'AbstractControl<any, any>[]'. Type 'ICodeSystemConceptForm' is missing the following properties from type 'AbstractControl<any, any>
I tried setting the FormArray in the interface as:
concept: FormArray<FormGroup<ICodeSystemConceptForm>>
concept: FormArray<ICodeSystemConceptForm>
which results in:
Type 'ICodeSystemConceptForm' does not satisfy the constraint 'AbstractControl<any, any>'. Type 'ICodeSystemConceptForm' is missing the following properties from type 'AbstractControl<any, any>': _parent, _asyncValidationSubscription, value, validator, and 51 more.ts(2344)
and also:
concept: ICodeSystemConceptForm[];
but that results in the same error.
Where am I going wrong?
I had an error elsewhere in my code that was causing compilation to fail. The correct way to represent the field is as such:
concept: FormArray<FormGroup<ICodeSystemConceptForm>>;