The latest SQLite3 library available on CentOS 5.6 and which is installed is version 3.3.6. It's my understanding that the sqlite3 gem needs version 3.6 or higher.
How do I get my app to work with SQLite3 without upgrading the library on my server? It's in a work environment and I'm simply not allowed to upgrade it.
You could compile a static library of the version of sqlite you require. Then install the sqlite3 gem with a reference to your new static library.
While I haven't tested this procedure, I could see the process being...
1. Download and extract the SQLite source in a new directory.
mkdir $HOME/sqlite3.7.7.1
cd $HOME/sqlite3.7.7.1
tar -zxvf sqlite-autoconf-3070701.tar.gz
cd sqlite-autoconf-3070701
2. Configure, compile, and install.
./configure --disable-shared --enable-static --prefix=$HOME/sqlite3.7.7.1
make && make install
3.A. (option1) Install the SQLite gem with a reference to your new static lib.
gem install sqlite3 --with-sqlite3-dir=$HOME/sqlite3.7.7.1
3.B. (option2) Install via bundler. *Assuming sqlite3 has already been added to the Gemfile (thanks to Lester)
bundle config build.sqlite3 \
--with-sqlite3-include=$HOME/sqlite3.7.7.1/include \
--with-sqlite3-lib=$HOME/sqlite3.7.7.1/lib \
bundle install