OrderedDict([('totalSize', 1), ('done', True), ('records', [OrderedDict([('attributes', OrderedDict([('type', 'WWWW_AC_2__DU_ListedVehicle__c'), ('url', '/services/data/v52.0/sobjects/WWWW_AC_2__DU_ListedVehicle__c/a019E00000EAsqzQAD')])), ('Id', '**a019E00000EAsqzQAD**')])])])
How to declare a019E00000EAsqzQAD as variable?
Here you can understand better what is an OrderedDict.
But you can get the value wanted using:
ordered_dict = sf.query(query=LVGisVda)
id_value = ordered_dict['records'][0]['Id']
In case you want to handle all data inside ordered_dict['records']
you should consider loop through it, like:
ordered_dict = sf.query(query=LVGisVda)
ids = [element['Id'] for element in ordered_dict['records']]