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Flutter: Facebook login not working due to key hash

Since Facebook support doesn't help at all I'll have to ask this here.

I have an Android/iOS app that working fine with Facebook login. This was done using this package:

Everything was working fine until I got some complains from Facebook saying this wasn't working anymore and I'll have to update my key hash. They provide this command:

keytool -exportcert -alias MY_ALIAS -keystore MY_PATH/.KEY | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

This shows up a hey hash that I copied to Facebook console:

But Facebook still complaining about the login that doesn't work showing me an old hash: enter image description here

App is in development mode but I cannot move to live again due to "You may not make your app available to all users". Also: "We've disabled this app for violating the Facebook Platform Policies. You can continue to use it in development mode. Read more or appeal"

What else should I change?


  • I have same problem and finally solved. It was take all day :(

    Solution; When you generating development key you have to set password as "android". After that, add generated key to the Facebook.

    I found the solution on this video; at 4:12

    And the same solution here; Login Error: There is an error in logging you into this application. Please try again later