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Antd: how to set button hover color?

I have the following configuration in the antd.customize.less file:

@btn-primary-bg: #ffe900;
@btn-primary-color: @primary-color;

@btn-default-color: @primary-color;
@btn-default-bg: #ffffff;

On hovering a primary button everything is ok, but on hovering a default button the text color in the button changes to @btn-primary-bg, which I want to override, but I couldn't find any property like "@btn-default-hover-color" here. How can this be overridden, if at all?


  • I faced the same issue but I'm still looking for a better solution. However, for the moment, I can suggest that you add something like this to your global style file:

    .ant-btn-default:hover, .ant-btn-default:focus {
      border-color: #bee2e5;
      color: #fff;


    After antd has been updated to version 5.0.0 there is a prettier way to do it using ConfigProvider.

    Let's suppose we have wrapped our App and assigned to the theme an object with parameters.

    <ConfigProvider theme={{
      components: {
        Button: {
           colorPrimaryBorderHover: 'red',
           colorPrimaryHover: 'lightgray',
           colorPrimary: 'red',
           colorPrimaryActive: 'lightgray',
           colorPrimaryTextHover: 'lightgray',
      <App />

    Acctually there are a lot of parameters to customize the appereance of your app which you can find in your node_modules/antd/es/config-provider/context.d.ts file

    However your config might be huge but to keep your code readable you might pass this object with interface of ThemeConfig as an exported value from another .ts file.

    <ConfigProvider theme={myCustomTheme}>