I have the following configuration in the antd.customize.less file:
@btn-primary-bg: #ffe900;
@btn-primary-color: @primary-color;
@btn-default-color: @primary-color;
@btn-default-bg: #ffffff;
On hovering a primary button everything is ok, but on hovering a default button the text color in the button changes to @btn-primary-bg, which I want to override, but I couldn't find any property like "@btn-default-hover-color" here. How can this be overridden, if at all?
I faced the same issue but I'm still looking for a better solution. However, for the moment, I can suggest that you add something like this to your global style file:
.ant-btn-default:hover, .ant-btn-default:focus {
border-color: #bee2e5;
color: #fff;
After antd has been updated to version 5.0.0 there is a prettier way to do it using ConfigProvider.
Let's suppose we have wrapped our App and assigned to the theme an object with parameters.
<ConfigProvider theme={{
components: {
Button: {
colorPrimaryBorderHover: 'red',
colorPrimaryHover: 'lightgray',
colorPrimary: 'red',
colorPrimaryActive: 'lightgray',
colorPrimaryTextHover: 'lightgray',
<App />
Acctually there are a lot of parameters to customize the appereance of your app which you can find in your
However your config might be huge but to keep your code readable you might pass this object with interface of ThemeConfig as an exported value from another .ts file.
<ConfigProvider theme={myCustomTheme}>