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Making Rest calls inside a Serverless-workflow's foreach state running on Kogito

I'm trying to loop over an array of data and calling A Rest endpoint for each item in this array, using a serverless-workflow script running on Kogito & Quarkus.

I've modified the following project getting-started-with-serverless-workflow to include a foreach state that calls the Rest endpoint. The resulting workflow is:

  "id": "greeting",
  "version": "1.0",
  "specVersion": "0.8",
  "name": "Greeting workflow",
  "description": "JSON based greeting workflow",
  "start": "Loop",
  "functions": [
      "name": "getGreetingFunction",
      "operation": "openapi.yml#getGreeting"
  "states": [    
      "name": "Loop",
      "type": "foreach",
      "inputCollection": ".languages",
      "iterationParam": "item",
      "outputCollection": ".greetings",
      "actions": [
          "name": "getGreeting",
          "functionRef": {
            "refName": "getGreetingFunction",
            "arguments": {
                  "name": "${ .name }",
                  "language": "${ .item }"
      "end": true

I'm calling this workflow with the following command :

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -H 'Accept:application/json' -d '{"workflowdata" : {"name": "Helber", "language": ["Spanish","English"]}}' http://localhost:8080/greeting

There are two things that are not working and I don't understand why they aren't, based on the serverless-workflow specification:

  1. "${ .item }" is always null ( same with the syntax ".item" ), which of course generates errors as an output

  2. When replacing "${ .item }" with a fixed value, the output is this:

    { "id": "a20dfd1d-d6bd-41c6-b45f-be1ed9eb962c", "workflowdata": { "name": "Helber", "language": [ "Spanish", "English", "Spanish" ], "greeting": "Greetings from Serverless Workflow, Helber!", "greetings": [] } }

Why isn't the outputCollection of the foreach state .greetings, populated with the results from the two calls ?

Edit: I should have added that those messages always show up when executing the workflow:

2022-09-02 17:15:55,227 WARN  [org.kog.wor.res.RestWorkItemHandler] (executor-thread-0) Cannot find definition for variable Loop_5
2022-09-02 17:15:55,296 ERROR [org.jbp.wor.ins.imp.NodeInstanceImpl] (executor-thread-0) Could not find variable Loop_5
2022-09-02 17:15:55,296 ERROR [org.jbp.wor.ins.imp.NodeInstanceImpl] (executor-thread-0) Using process-level scope
2022-09-02 17:15:55,298 INFO  [org.kie.kog.exp.jq.JqExpressionHandler] (executor-thread-0) Using default scope

Thanks for your help !


  • This is bug. It will be corrected with