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C# UI Tests WinAppDriver Appium test color?

Currently testing an Excel add in pane that we've recently added into our project. I'd like to test the color of the, "Create worksheet" text.

public void ConfirmBtnText()
        excelSession.FindElementByXPath("//Button[@Name='AddIn button']").Click();

        var getLabel = excelSession.FindElementByName("Create worksheet");
        Assert.AreEqual("Create worksheet", getLabel.Text);

        Assert.AreEqual("rgb(75, 79, 84)", getLabel.GetAttribute("Color")); // Fails here

Error says:

Expected:rgb(75, 79, 84). Actual:<(null)>.

How should I go about testing colors of an element on the Excel add in pane?

Any help's appreciated, thanks.

This also fails:

string cssProperty = getLabel.GetCssValue("Color");

With the error:

OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverException: Unexpected error. Command not implemented: GET: /session/0CEE6663-DCBA-44E3-AC75-A7A5AF97DECA/element/42.525736.4.12/css/Color


  • I used an appium screenshot function to solve this.

    Kindly refer to this link for usage details: