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Getting "Bad Request" when using RestSharp

I am living in Denmark where we have the ability to pull all data regarding our power usage from the website

They have even provided a nice API, so you can make your own programs that pulls the data from their website:


Assume you have the following C# prof of concept code:

using RestSharp;
using RestSharp.Authenticators;

var token = "eyJ...";
var client = new RestClient("") 
    Authenticator = new JwtAuthenticator(token)

/* Get power usage from June 1st 2022 until September 1st 2022 */
var request = new RestRequest("api/meterdata/getmeterreadings/2022-06-01/2022-09-01");
var response = await client.GetAsync(request);


When I run the code I get an error code "BadRequest" when I try to call await client.GetAsync.

What am I doing wrong?

They write in the API that the token is formattet as Bearer {token}, but I thought that JwtAuthenticator did that for me?


  • It seems that you call API incorrectly.

    Check again documentation on API at

    1. getMeterReadings is a POST method, not a GET (so, you need to call client.PostAsync and not client.GetAsync)
    2. getMeterReadings expects also JSON-body to be sent (with list of metering points).

    Also, I would recommend you to test your requests using some HTTP-request tool (i.e. Postman) and when you're pretty sure that request works move it into C#.