I have an actionscript class MyClass that extens NavigatorContent. I instantiate the class as a custom MXML NavigatorContnent component for an Accordion component. MyClass has a Button component that I have tried to attach an event listener to. I want the event to bubble so that I can have the handler in the Accordion component.
package comp
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
[Event(name="selectEvent", type="flash.events.Event")]
public class MyClass extends NavigatorContent
public function MyClass()
btnSelect.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, selectClickDispatcher);
public function selectClickDispatcher(event:MouseEvent):void
event.currentTarget.dispatchEvent(new Event("selectEvent",true));
From here I have the instantiated component nested in the Accordion. I am pretty sure the problem is in this class definition because when I set a breakpoint at the selectClickHandler, the code does not break. In case I am wrong I will post the rest of the components.
Custom component named MySubComp.mxml
...I have a few more spark components here and nothing else...
<fx:Script> //omitted CDATA tags to save space
protected function selectEventHandler(event:Event):void
Alert.show("Value Selected");
//custom components are in the navs package
<navs:MySubComp selectEvent = "selectEventHandler(event)"/>
Your class either needs to extend a DisplayObject
class, or directly inherit from EventDispatcher
in order to be able to use events. Forget about implementing IEventDispatcher
as there's a special piece of black code somewhere that means that EventDispatcher
is the only class that can set the target
property of the Event
class (I've tried it before).
Consider using other alternatives. Events in Flash tend to be slow and create objects all the time. Callbacks are a good system if you need something simple.
public class A
public var onSomething:Function = null;
public function foo():void
if( this.onSomething != null )
public class B
public function B()
var a:A = new A;
a.onSomething = this._somethingCalled; // set the callback
private function _somethingCalled():void
trace( "hello there" );
You can also take a look at the Signals project: https://github.com/robertpenner/as3-signals/wiki
Signals are vastly superior to normal Flash events, and there's no restriction on the type of object that can use them (i.e. non-DisplayObject objects can still add event listeners and dispatch events). It's also faster and has a smaller memory footprint.