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useTranslation hook react-i18next

why does it not work? I try to cut my translation path. How can I do that without passing whole path ("root.chapter.key")?

// json
  "chapter": {
     "key": "Some text"

const { t } = useTranslation('root')

const text = t('chapter.key')

// or

const { t } = useTransaltion('root.chapter')

const text = t('key')


  • First argument of useTranslation function must always be a namespace to load. If you want to shorten your JSON path, you can use keyPrefix option instead.

    const { t } = useTranslation('namespace', {
      keyPrefix: 'root.chapter'
    const text = t('key');

    If you haven't explicitly defined your namespace, default value for it is translation.