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Is it possible to build a real-world private ethereum blockchain without any transaction fee and what other costs should I be aware of?

Recently I have been working on a class project. I have built a Supply chain Dapp, that was based on truffle framework and ganache as a local blockchain. I have some issues regarding the concepts of private Ethreum blockchain.

My question is, is it possible to build a real-world private Ethereum blockchain for a specific organization without any transaction fees and what other costs should I be aware of? And the second question is do I need to deploy my Dapp on Rinkeby? It's just that I read somewhere that you should deploy your dapp to testnets like Rinkeby to demonstrate that it functions well in a setting more like to the Ethereum mainnet. Since I just used ganache for the dapp, I wanted to be certain

I found some answers online but they were not satisfactory, it would be greatly appreciated and helpful if you could provide me with some directions on the subject, as I am relatively new to this. Thank you.


  • Yes you can. These are generally called permissioned chains. While you incur compute cost, your org or anyone given permission to use the chain doesn't pay for gas.

    There is still a gas price, it is essentially useless since as the authority on the chain you can mint infinite gas. Such chains usually have PoA (proof-of-authority consensus).

    You can use these clients to build such chains:

    • GoQuorum - geth fork which lags in upstream updates by a few months. Has lots of consensus algo options like QBFT/Raft. Additionally ships with privacy tx manager. Application level permissioning.
    • OpenEthereum (Deprecated) - My personal favorite. I have worked with this client extensively and wrote a public humanitarian chain spec with it ( Uses AuRA consensus. Well documented.
    • Nethermind - Supports AuRa consensus. Haven't used it, but should have more features than OpenEtherem.
    • Geth - Supports Clique. I am not a fan of clique consensus but it can work well.

    I have documented some PoA consensus comparisons here. You might find it useful.