I was trying to get BSE SENSEX data in R and came across this Import Indian stock prices into R which is useful but I am not able to get SENSEX Index data using getSymbols
from quantmod
I have tried many options but none of them worked
quantmod::getSymbols("SENSEX", src="yahoo")
quantmod::getSymbols("SENSEX.BO", src="yahoo")
quantmod::getSymbols("BSE SENSEX", src="yahoo")
quantmod::getSymbols("BSE SENSEX.BO", src="yahoo")
About Sensex:
Packages tidyquant
uses Yahoo Finance. Therefore, check what the security is called on their website, hence: ^BSESN
# A tibble: 2,643 × 8
symbol date open high low close volume adjusted
<chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 ^BSESN 2012-01-03 15641. 15970. 15641. 15939. 16200 15939.
2 ^BSESN 2012-01-04 15967. 16005. 15822. 15883. 17800 15883.
3 ^BSESN 2012-01-05 15893. 15980. 15809. 15857. 21200 15857.
4 ^BSESN 2012-01-06 15789. 16001. 15665. 15868. 17200 15868.
5 ^BSESN 2012-01-07 NA NA NA NA NA NA
6 ^BSESN 2012-01-09 15840. 15872. 15678. 15815. 11200 15815.
7 ^BSESN 2012-01-10 15898. 16181. 15898. 16165. 19600 16165.
8 ^BSESN 2012-01-11 16222. 16245. 16128. 16176. 18600 16176.
9 ^BSESN 2012-01-12 16117. 16179. 15963. 16038. 14400 16038.
10 ^BSESN 2012-01-13 16145. 16257. 16050. 16155. 19600 16155.
# … with 2,633 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows