I'm working on a shiny app with basic functionality like this:
nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"), quiet = T) %>%
st_transform(4326) %>%
select(NAME, geometry, id = CNTY_ID) %>%
mutate(x = rnorm(n = nrow(.), mean = 100, sd = 20),
fill = sample(c("green", "red"), n(), replace = T),
fill_2 = if_else(fill == "green", "red", "green"))
# Function to change fill color on click event (taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/69618323)
change_color <- function(map, id_to_remove, data, colour, new_group){
leafletProxy(map) %>%
removeShape(id_to_remove) %>% # remove previous occurrence
data = data,
layerId = data$id,
group = new_group, # change group
fillColor = colour,
color = "black",
weight = 1,
fillOpacity = 1)
## UI
ui <- fluidPage(
## Server
server <- function(input,output,session){
# Reactives
rv <- reactiveValues(
df = nc,
df.tab = as.data.frame(nc)
# Initial map
output$map <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet() %>%
setView(-79.99, 35.52, zoom = 7)
data <- rv$df
leafletProxy("map") %>%
data = data,
weight = 1, color = "black", fillOpacity = 1, fillColor = ~fill,
layerId = data$id,
group = "unclicked_poly")
#first click
observeEvent(input$map_shape_click, {
# execute only if the polygon has never been clicked
req(input$map_shape_click$group == "unclicked_poly")
# filter data
data <- rv$df[rv$df$id==input$map_shape_click$id,]
change_color(map = "map",
id_to_remove = input$map_shape_click$id,
data = data,
colour = ~fill_2,
new_group = "clicked1_poly")
#second click: reverse first click
observeEvent(input$map_shape_click, {
req(input$map_shape_click$group == "clicked1_poly")
data <- rv$df[rv$df$id==input$map_shape_click$id,]
leafletProxy("map") %>%
removeShape(input$map_shape_click$id) %>% # remove previous occurrence
data = data,
weight = 1, color = "black", fillOpacity = 1, fillColor = ~fill,
layerId = data$id,
group = "unclicked_poly") # back to initialize group
output$table <- DT::renderDataTable({
rv$df.tab %>%
group_by(fill) %>%
summarise(x = sum(x))
shinyApp(ui, server)
The idea here is that the user can change the fill color of the polygons with the click of a button. This works as is. However, I also want to dynamically display the fill-specific sum of x
in the data tabe below the leaflet map. Currently, the table shows the grouped sums according to the initial data frame. However, when a user changes a polygon from green to red, the calculation should be done anew.
I have tried implementing this idea using a logic similar to the observeEvents()
in output(map)
, but the problem here was that I could only ever access the last click, so previous clicks would not factor into the grouped sums calculation (group_by(fill) %>% summarise(x = sum(x))
). Ideally, I would like to have information on whatever the current fill of all polygons is so that the data table reflects the user's input.
I ended up solving this problem in four steps:
operator to ascertain current fill color on map (the number of fill options is much higher than two in my real world application)DT::dataTableProxy()
to update tableApp is now working as intended. Code:
nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"), quiet = T) %>%
st_transform(4326) %>%
select(NAME, geometry, id = CNTY_ID) %>%
mutate(x = rnorm(n = nrow(.), mean = 100, sd = 20),
fill = sample(c("green", "red"), n(), replace = T),
fill_2 = if_else(fill == "green", "red", "green"))
# Function to change fill color on click event (taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/69618323)
change_color <- function(map, id_to_remove, data, colour, new_group){
leafletProxy(map) %>%
removeShape(id_to_remove) %>% # remove previous occurrence
data = data,
layerId = data$id,
group = new_group, # change group
fillColor = colour,
color = "black",
weight = 1,
fillOpacity = 1)
## UI
ui <- fluidPage(
## Server
server <- function(input,output,session){
# Reactives
rv <- reactiveValues(
df = nc,
df.tab = as.data.frame(nc)
# Initial map
output$map <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet() %>%
setView(-79.99, 35.52, zoom = 7)
data <- rv$df
leafletProxy("map") %>%
data = data,
weight = 1, color = "black", fillOpacity = 1, fillColor = ~fill,
layerId = data$id, label = ~id,
group = "unclicked_poly")
#first click
observeEvent(input$map_shape_click, {
# execute only if the polygon has never been clicked
req(input$map_shape_click$group == "unclicked_poly")
# filter data
data <- rv$df[rv$df$id==input$map_shape_click$id,]
change_color(map = "map",
id_to_remove = input$map_shape_click$id,
data = data,
colour = ~fill_2,
new_group = "clicked1_poly")
#second click: reverse first click
observeEvent(input$map_shape_click, {
req(input$map_shape_click$group == "clicked1_poly")
data <- rv$df[rv$df$id==input$map_shape_click$id,]
leafletProxy("map") %>%
removeShape(input$map_shape_click$id) %>% # remove previous occurrence
data = data,
weight = 1, color = "black", fillOpacity = 1, fillColor = ~fill,
layerId = data$id, label = ~id,
group = "unclicked_poly") # back to initialize group
output$table <- DT::renderDataTable({
rv$df.tab %>%
group_by(fill) %>%
summarise(x = sum(x)) -> sum
proxy <- DT::dataTableProxy("table")
observeEvent(input$map_shape_click, {
#create object for clicked polygon
click <- input$map_shape_click
RV$Clicks<- c(RV$Clicks,click$id)
test <- as.data.frame(table(RV$Clicks)) %>%
mutate(current = Freq %% 2,
id = as.double(as.character(Var1)))
rv$df.tab %>%
full_join(test, by = "id") %>%
mutate(fill = case_when(current == 1 ~ fill_2,
TRUE ~ fill)) %>%
group_by(fill) %>%
summarise(x = sum(x)) -> sum
proxy %>% replaceData(sum)
shinyApp(ui, server)