I bought this flying birds MOV file from istockphotos and now I'm stuck trying to implement it into my webpage, I want it to run like a flash file, every few seconds but I can't seem to be able to import it into Adobe Flash, I tried using the code below but it does not allow me to do much and is not transparent:
<OBJECT classid='clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B' width="320"
height="255" codebase='http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab'>
<param name='src' value="ad.mov">
<param name='autoplay' value="true">
<param name='controller' value="false">
<param name='loop' value="false">
<EMBED src="iStock_000011342270Small We.mov" width="320" height="255" autoplay="true"
controller="false" loop="false" pluginspage='http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/'>
The person who created the stock wrote this on his site:
Alpha Mattes and Luma Mattes
Some of the clips contain alpha or luma mattes. If you don't know how to use these, search online and discover their uses as masks. I've heard from people who have converted my footage to use in Flash and have successfully used the luma mattes there too. The black and white clips of the birds can used as luma mattes, so the birds can be placed on any background of your choice. As mentioned above, if you're using After Effects, any of the clips can be used with the free Knoll "UnMult" plugin which removes the black from the clips by creating an alpha channel - it works really well with the rain and smoke clips.
I don't understand what a luma matte is, maybe someone can point me in the right direction?
There didn't seem to be a way to fix this issue, I ended up making the video transparent myself using Adobe After Effects and a great tutorial using Keying, it wasn't the best but it did the trick