Consider the following sealed trait
sealed trait Type
object Type {
case object S
sealed trait Test{
type Tpe <: Type
object Test {
type Aux[T <: Type] = Test{ type Tpe = T }
Given a ClassSymbol
denoting Test.Aux[S.type]
is there a way to get a ClassSymbol
denoting sealed trait Test
OP's solution uses symbol internals (scala.reflect.internal.Symbols#Symbol
This is solution via types:
val symbol1: ClassSymbol = typeOf[Aux[Type.S.type]].typeSymbol.asClass
val symbol2: ClassSymbol = typeOf[Test].typeSymbol.asClass
val symbol2_ = symbol1.typeSignature match {
case RefinedType(List(parent), decls) => parent.typeSymbol.asClass
symbol2_ == symbol2 // true