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log when a channel permissions got changed discord.js

I am trying to log when a permissions from a channel got updated. This is what i have now: but i don't come further at this point. Hope some one could help me here.

const { MessageEmbed, GuildChannel } = require("discord.js");
const DB = require('../../Structures/Schemas/loggingDB');

module.exports = {
    name: "channelUpdate",
       * @param {GuildChannel} oldChannel
       * @param {GuildChannel} newChannel
    async execute(oldChannel, newChannel) {

        const { guild } = oldChannel;

        const data = await DB.findOne({ GuildID: });
        if (!data) {

        const LogChannel = await guild.channels.fetch(data.ChannelID)

        if (!LogChannel.guild) return false; 

        const AuditLogFetch = await oldChannel.guild.fetchAuditLogs({ limit: 1, type: "CHANNEL_UPDATE" }); 

        if (!LogChannel) return console.error(`Invalid channel.`); 

        if (!AuditLogFetch.entries.first()) return console.error(`No entries found.`);

        const Entry = AuditLogFetch.entries.first(); 


        const embed = new MessageEmbed()
            .setTitle("Channel Updated")
            .setDescription("An channel has been updated!")
                { name: "Updated By:", value: `${Entry.executor.tag || "Someone"}` },
                { name: "Channel Name:", value: `${}` },
                { name: "Action:", value: `${Entry.action}` },
                { name: "Created At:", value: `<t:${parseInt(oldChannel.createdTimestamp / 1000)}:f>` },

        if ( != {
                { name: "Old Channel Name:", value: `${}` },
                { name: "New Channel Name:", value: `${}` },
        console.log("Oldchannel:", oldChannel.permissionOverwrites.cache)
        console.log("newchannel:", newChannel.permissionOverwrites.cache)

        LogChannel.send({ embeds: [embed] })

This is the output that i get from console.log("newchannel:", newChannel.permissionOverwrites.cache. From this point i don't know how i get the names etc.

Oldchannel: Collection(2) [Map] {
      '973305365540266055' => PermissionOverwrites {
        id: '973305365540266055',
        type: 'role',
        deny: Permissions { bitfield: 0n },
        allow: Permissions { bitfield: 1024n }
      '976422603227013130' => PermissionOverwrites {
        id: '976422603227013130',
        type: 'role',
        deny: Permissions { bitfield: 1024n },
        allow: Permissions { bitfield: 0n }
    newchannel: Collection(2) [Map] {
      '973305365540266055' => PermissionOverwrites {
        id: '973305365540266055',
        type: 'role',
        deny: Permissions { bitfield: 0n },
        allow: Permissions { bitfield: 0n }
      '976422603227013130' => PermissionOverwrites {
        id: '976422603227013130',
        type: 'role',
        deny: Permissions { bitfield: 1024n },
        allow: Permissions { bitfield: 0n }


  • fixed by using code as below -

    const { MessageEmbed, GuildChannel } = require("discord.js");
    const DB = require('../../Structures/Schemas/loggingDB');
    const { ColorYom } = require("../../Structures/botConfig.json") 
    module.exports = {
        name: "channelUpdate",
           * @param {GuildChannel} oldChannel
           * @param {GuildChannel} newChannel
        async execute(oldChannel, newChannel) {
            const { guild } = oldChannel;
            const data = await DB.findOne({ GuildID: });
            if (!data) {
            const LogChannel = await guild.channels.fetch(data.ChannelID)
            if (!LogChannel.guild) return false; 
            const AuditLogFetch = await oldChannel.guild.fetchAuditLogs({ limit: 1, type: "CHANNEL_UPDATE" }); 
            if (!LogChannel) return console.error(`Invalid channel.`); 
            if (!AuditLogFetch.entries.first()) return console.error(`No entries found.`);
            const Entry = AuditLogFetch.entries.first(); 
            const embed = new MessageEmbed()
                .setTitle("Channel Updated")
                .setDescription("An channel has been updated!")
                    { name: "Updated By:", value: `${Entry.executor.tag || "Someone"}` },
                    { name: "Channel Name:", value: `${}` },
                    { name: "Action:", value: `${Entry.action}` },
            if ( != {
                    { name: "Old Channel Name:", value: `${}` },
                    { name: "New Channel Name:", value: `${}` },
            LogChannel.send({ embeds: [embed] })