Is there a way to convert number ranges?
I need to convert a linear range (0-1) to a logarithmic one (100*10^-12 - 1) so I can put a put a moveable horizontal line on a plotly plot (
As far as I’m aware I can’t make my slider logarithmic to begin with (
I’ve tried normalizing. I’m not sure if that’s the right word, but basically putting my value into:
f(x) = log10(x * (max-min) + min)
x is the linear value being converted
max is the max of the log scale (1)
min is the min of the log scale (100*10^-12)
But f(.2) = .447 when I’m expecting 10*10^-9.
Is there a way accomplish this (or a better way to put a moveable horizontal line on the plot)?
BTW, 100*10^-12== 10^-10
Seems you want to take logarithm of values at 10^-10..1
range to map them into 0..1
range and vice versa?
Y = A * log10(B * X)
substituting end values:
0 = A * log10(B * 10^-10) = A * (log10(B) - 10)
log10(B) = 10
B = 10^10
1 = A * log10(10^10 * 1) = A * 10
A = 0.1
So formula is
Y = 0.1 * log10(10^10 * X) =
1 + 0.1 * log10(X)
Reverse formula
10*Y = log10(10^10 * X)
10^(10*Y) = 10^10 * X
X = 10^(10*Y) * 10^-10 =
using your example Y=0.2, we get X = 10^-8 as expected
from math import log10
for i in range(-10, 1):
X = 10**i
Y = 1 + 0.1 * log10(X)
for i in range(0, 11):
Y = i / 10
X = 10**(10*Y-10)