In my case, I have an empty dictionary which I want to fill with Key:Value pairs about stock tickers information. I tested the code below but I always get a KeyError message whenever a key is missing from the list of tickers I loop through. All I want is to set a group of default Keys for all my tickers (Info_data in the code below), then set the value of the missing "Key" to "None" whenever it finds a missing key.
Here is my code:
stocks_info = {}
for symbol in tqdm(sav_set):
info = yf.Tickers(symbol).tickers[symbol].info
if info['quoteType'] == 'EQUITY':
info_data = {'symbol': symbol, 'shortName': info['shortName'], 'country': info['country'],
'sector': info['sector'], 'industry': info['industry'], 'marketCap': info['marketCap'],
'currentPrice': info['currentPrice'], 'quoteType': info['quoteType'], 'market': info['market']}
Many thanks to @dawg for providing help. This is how I managed to resolve my issue:
stocks_info = {}
for symbol in tqdm(sav_set):
info = yf.Tickers(symbol).tickers[symbol].info
# info_keys = {'symbol', 'shortName', 'longName', 'country', 'sector', 'industry', 'marketCap', 'currentPrice',
# 'navPrice', 'quoteType', 'market'}
ticker = info.get('symbol', None)
shortName = info.get('shortName', None)
longName = info.get('longName', None)
country = info.get('country', None)
sector = info.get('sector', None)
industry = info.get('industry', None)
marketCap = info.get('marketCap', None)
currentPrice = info.get('currentPrice', None)
navPrice = info.get('navPrice', None)
quoteType = info.get('quoteType', None)
market = info.get('market', None)
if info['quoteType'] == 'EQUITY':
info_data = {'symbol': ticker, 'shortName': shortName, 'longName': longName, 'country': country,
'sector': sector, 'industry': industry, 'marketCap': marketCap, 'currentPrice': currentPrice,
'quoteType': quoteType, 'market': market}
info_data = {'symbol': ticker, 'shortName': shortName, 'longName': longName, 'country': country,
'sector': sector, 'industry': industry, 'marketCap': marketCap, 'currentPrice': navPrice,
'quoteType': quoteType, 'market': market}
stocks_info[symbol] = info_data
json_object = json.dumps(stocks_info)
with open("../tickers_data/stocks_info.json", "w") as outfile: