I am facing a strange issue. When I do NumberConfiguration::all()
I receive the following result:
[{"id":1,"created_at":"2022-09-13 09:48:51+0200","updated_at":"2022-09-13 09:49:12+0200","block_start":"41582550003","block_end":"41582550003","number_block_id":1,"special_numbers":null}]
but in the database I have actually 2 record:
I didnt find anything what can cause this problem, that not all record are represented by the eloquent model biding. I am using postgresql database.
There is an observer in the parent class, but even if I comment it out the same problem occurs.
class NumberConfiguration extends BaseConcreteProductConfiguration
protected $table = 'shop.numbers_configurations';
// Needs to be present in every ConcreteConfiguration file who has a Observer with action on cart to order
protected $fillable = [ 'updated_at' ];
protected $casts = [ 'special_numbers' => 'array' ];
public static function getValidations(string $prefix = ''): array
return [
$prefix . 'block_start' => [ 'nullable' ],
$prefix . 'block_end' => [ 'nullable' ],
$prefix . 'number_block_id' => [ 'nullable', 'numeric' ],
$prefix . 'special_numbers' => [ 'nullable' ],
public static function getManager(): ConfigurationManagerInterface
return new NumberConfigurationManager();
public function getDescription(): ?string
$numberBlock = NumberBlock::find($this->number_block_id);
if (!is_null($numberBlock)) {
$numbers = $numberBlock->numbers()->pluck('did');
if (!empty($numbers)) {
return NumberManager::groupNumberToDisplayWithLocalPrefix(NumberManager::groupNumbersByRange($numbers))
->reduce(fn($a, $b) => $a . $b . ' ');
} else {
\Log::warning('configuration description not available, no numbers for block: '
. $this->number_block_id);
return null;
Any help is higly appriciated.
Check out for global scopes.
This is how you disable global scopes and retrieve everything.