My app was rejected by the review team. It is however getting close to expiry (119 days). I will not be able to make the required changes in time - is it even necessary to have the app approved within 120 days? Or is uploading the binary enough for the expiry clock to stop ticking?
That's what I found in Apple's doc:
Once you have created your app, and it is in the state Prepare For Upload or Waiting For Upload, you will have 120 days (4 months) from your creation date in iTunes Connect, to deliver a binary to Apple. If you do not deliver a binary before the 120-day deadline, your app will be deleted from iTunes Connect. As a result of this deletion, your app name will be able to be used by another developer and you cannot reuse the app name, SKU or Bundle ID. See the Deleting an App section of this guide to learn more about the ramifications of App Delete.
So I guess it is sufficient to upload the binary within time...