I was looking at a post from 2014 about using Spring AOP for logging HTTP requests/replies:
Spring integration + logging response time for http adapters(or any endpoint)
To this end, I tried this AOP configuration:
<aop:config >
<aop:aspect id="myAspect" ref="inboundOutboundHttpLogging">
<aop:pointcut id="handleRequestMessageMethod"
expression="execution(* org.springframework.integration.handler.AbstractReplyProducingMessageHandler.handleRequestMessage(*))
args(message))" />
<aop:before method="requestMessageSent" pointcut-ref="handleRequestMessageMethod" arg-names="message"/>
Is there perhaps a newer way of using AOP for logging HTTP requests? I want to avoid having to put per-request logging (i.e. outbound-gateway advice on each gateway).
Thanks for any pointers.
Based upon the suggestions made by @artem-bilan, I was able to find a solution similar to AOP for injecting logging AbstractRequestHandlerAdvice
into HTTP outbound request processing. I'm contributing this as a way of showing a possible solution for anyone else who comes across this question.
As @artem-bilan mentions, there is a mechanism for injecting AbstractRequestHandlerAdvice
into a AbstractReplyProducingMessageHandler
such as an HttpRequestExecutingMessageHandler
. In my case, I'm wanting to log the message contents (header and payload) prior to the HTTP call and also log the return message (header and payload). This works nicely.
@artem-bilan suggests that the BeanPostProcessor
mechanism can allow to inject the advice without having to add that declaration to each http outbound bean. The BeanPostProcessor
looks like this:
public class AddHttpOutboundAdvicePostProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor {
final List<Advice> adviceList;
final AddHttpOutboundAdvicePostProcessor(List<Advice> adviceList) {
this.adviceList = adviceList;
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(@NonNull Object bean,
@NonNull String beanName)
throws BeansException {
if (bean instanceof AbstractHttpRequestExecutingMessageHandler) {
((AbstractHttpRequestExecutingMessageHandler) bean).setAdviceChain(adviceList);
return bean;
We need to set up this bean into our context. (I'm a die-hard declarative fan hence this is in XML.)
<bean id = "addHttpLoggingPostProcessor"
class = "com.my.package.AddHttpOutboundAdvicePostProcessor" >
<constructor-arg name="adviceList>
<ref bean="outboundLogger" />
Here, the outboundLogger
is a bean that managers the request-handler-advice
. In my choice of implementation, I'm sending a copy of the outbound message to a channel for logging beforehand, and a copy of the response message down another channel for logging the response. The XML declaration of the bean takes the two channel names as constructors:
<bean id="outboundLogger" class="com.my.package.HttpRequestProcessorLogger" >
<constructor-arg name="requestLoggingChannelName" value="XXX" />
<constructor-arg name="responseLoggingChannelName" value="YYY" />
where XXX
and YYY
are the names of channels to the components that perform the logging. I've set these channels to be ExecutorChannel
s so that the logging is performed asynchronously.
The HttpRequestProcessorLogger
bean manages the call to handleRequestMessage()
public class HttpRequestProcessorLogger extends AbstractRequestHandlerAdvice {
private MessageChannel requestLoggingChannel;
private MessageChannel responseLoggingChannel;
private String requestLoggingChannelName;
private String responseLoggingChannelName;
private BeanFactory beanFactory;
public HttpRequestProcessorLogger(String requestLoggingChannelName, String responseLoggingChannelName) {
this.requestLoggingChannelName = requestLoggingChannelName;
this.responseLoggingChannelName = responseLoggingChannelName;
protected Object doInvoke(ExecutionCallback callback, Object target, Message<?> message) {
final Object result = callback.execute();
final message<?> outputMessage =
(MessageBuilder.class.isInstance(result) ? ((MessageBuilder<?>) result).build()
: (Message<?>) result;
return outputMessage;
private synchronized void getChannels() {
if (requestLoggingChannelName != null) {
final DestinationResolver<MessageChannel>
channelResolver = ChannelResolverUtils.getChannelResolver(this.beanFactory);
requestLoggingChannel = channelResolver.resolverDestination(requestLoggingChannelName);
responseLoggingChannel = channelResolver.resolverDestination(responseLoggingChannelName);
requestLoggingChannelName = null;
responseLoggingChannelName = null;
public void setBeanFactory(@NonNull BeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeanException {
this.beanFactory = beanFactory;