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Configure Logging level in Python for each file individually

I'm using

logging.basicConfig(format=log_format, level=logging.DEBUG)

in my main script. I like seeing DEBUG messages in most cases. But I want to hide all DEBUG messages from a certain script - lets say How can i set's Log level to INFO while having the rest at DEBUG?


  • By default, you don't set them by file, but by logging handler name.

    Assuming it's urllib3.connectionpool that's bothering you (it's generally pretty noisy on DEBUG),


    If it really is disabling a file you're after, you could also set up a custom logging filter on your logger to swallow those log records altogether before they're output.

    Assuming you haven't set up a more complex hierarchy to split logging output,

    logging.getRoot().addFilter(lambda rec: '' not in rec.pathname)

    would disallow all messages emitted from a module with in the name.