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Laravel exception: 1366 Incorrect string value: '\\xC0\\xA7\\xC0\\xA2%2...' for column 'user_agent'

Occasionally I will get the following exception thrown from Laravel:

"class": "Illuminate\\Database\\QueryException",
    "message": "SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1366 Incorrect string value: '\\xC0\\xA7\\xC0\\xA2%2...' for column 'user_agent' at row 1 (SQL: update `sessions` set `payload` = testpayload, `last_activity` = 1663058232, `user_id` = ?, `ip_address` = ipAddress, `user_agent` = 1 ����%2527%2522 where `id` = blahblah)"

From what I have read, it most likely is that my table is not using the correct encoding and maybe a special character (something like Ö) is being used inside the user_agent from someone viewing the site and therefore it throws an error.

But checking that, I assume if I have the default Laravel setup, how others have not run into the same issue. Checking my setup:


            'charset' => 'utf8mb4',
            'collation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci',

^ and confirming in the db itself, this is what I am using.

I then suspected maybe when I upgraded from Laravel 5.x > 7.x maybe a migration changed or something and I should be using a different charset. But checking migrations and also the db config for version 7, nothing has changed.

Laravel Version: 7.30.4

Mysql Version: 5.7.33-log

Anyone seen this before or point me in the right direction?


  • That garbage string is not a legitimate User-Agent; it looks like it's not even valid UTF-8 but instead some kind of escaped form of an over-long encoding, which is invalid:

    select convert(x'C0A7C0A2' using utf8);

    The %2527%2522 part, meanwhile, is a double URL-encoded version of %27%22 which is an URL-encoded version of "". It is also garbage.

    The request from your example is likely from some robot or penetration testing tool trying to find vulnerabilities, something like sqlmap, which can use tricks like these (here, here) to try to avoid filters. It is not from a person. If you have other requests with the same issue, or with different strange-looking User-Agents, those are probably other attempts by the same tool.

    You may just want to block requests from this IP altogether.