I am trying to do some memory profiling of an ASP.NET Core web application using the dotMemory command line profiler on a Debian 64-bit VM. I am able to run the app (with process id 1234 for example) and then attach the memory profiler following instructions given on the JetBrains help page.
./dotMemory.sh attach 1234 --save-to-dir=~/Snapshots
I now want to start the app using the memory profiler to get more information. This is not working however.
I get the following error when I try to run the profiler as described on the help page.
/PathToScript/dotMemory.sh start /PathToWebApp/bin/WebApp --save-to-dir=~/Snapshots
A fatal error occurred. The required library libhostfxr.so could not be found.
If this is a self-contained application, that library should exist in [/PathToWebApp/bin/].
If this is a framework-dependent application, install the runtime in the global location [/usr/share/dotnet] or use the DOTNET_ROOT environment variable to specify the runtime location or register the runtime location in [/etc/dotnet/install_location].
The .NET runtime can be found at:
I get a different error when I try to run the profiler with the ".dll" as part of the app name.
/PathToScript/dotMemory.sh start /PathToWebApp/bin/WebApp.dll --save-to-dir=~/Snapshots
Unable to start profiling. An error occurred trying to start process '/PathToWebApp/bin/WebApp.dll' with working directory '/PathToWebApp'. Exec format error
I also tried using the dotnet
/PathToScript/dotMemory.sh start dotnet /PathToWebApp/bin/WebApp.dll --save-to-dir=~/Snapshots
Value of argument is invalid. File doesn't exist: dotnet
Note that I am able to start the WebApp successfully using the same command.
dotnet /PathToWebApp/bin/WebApp.dll
How can I launch the application using the dotMemory profiler?
Got the answer from JetBrains support: need to use the start-net-core
command to start an application using the dll.
/PathToScript/dotMemory.sh start-net-core /PathToWebApp/bin/WebApp.dll --save-to-dir=~/Snapshots