I'm trying to add a third column "Productivity" so every role like Admin would have three sub columns produktiv, unproduktiv and Productivity.
Productivity would be calculated as follows:
Productivity = Produktiv / (Produktiv + Unproduktiv) * 100
(don't mind the s, I had to anonymize the data)
Here is the output of df.columns
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
If there are only Produktiv
and Unproduktiv
level for sum
is possible aggregate by first level of MultiIndex
, divide by Produktiv
and after rename
second level of MultiIndex
append to originam Dataframe by concat
df1 = (df.xs('Produktiv', axis=1, level=1, drop_level=False)
.div(df.groupby(level=0, axis=1).sum(), level=0).mul(100))
df = (pd.concat([df, df1.rename(columns={'Produktiv':'Productivity'}, level=1)], axis=1)
.reindex(['Produktiv','Unproduktiv','Productivity'], level=1, axis=1))
print (df)
Another idea is get both slices by Produktiv, Unproduktiv
and add level by pd.concat
df1 = df.xs('Produktiv', axis=1, level=1)
df2 = df.xs('Unproduktiv', axis=1, level=1)
df11 = (pd.concat({'Productivity':df1.div(df1.add(df2)).mul(100)}, axis=1)
df = (pd.concat([df, df11], axis=1)
.reindex(['Produktiv','Unproduktiv','Productivity'], level=1, axis=1))