I am trying to add SQL Server connections to a new Windows Service. All the documentation indicates that we add
in Program.cs
However a Windows service (IHost
) does not show the AddDbContext
method in services. Does anyone have any experience with this?
Already been here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/security/authentication/identity?view=aspnetcore-6.0&tabs=visual-studio
and here: https://jasonwatmore.com/post/2022/03/18/net-6-connect-to-sql-server-with-entity-framework-core @JasonWatmore
and similar....
You should use AddDbContext instead of AddDbContact.
Try it; services.AddDbContext<ApplicationContext>();
Also make sure you have these packages installed;
Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore -Version 6.0.8
Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -Version 6.0.8