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In dplyr, how to use a value in a column to specify another column to index

I have data in the form of a list of objects (settings from our analysis machine). Some objects in the list are times, stored as a list containing hours, minutes and seconds.

I then have a 'directory', which contains the names of the objects in the data list.

I would like to add a column to the 'directory', and when the data type is 'time' I'd like it to insert the time in hh:mm:ss.

Here is an example of the data table:

data.times <- list(RUNT.1 = list(hour = 17L, minute = 48L, second = 56L, hsecond = 0L), 
    RUNT.2 = list(hour = 19L, minute = 0L, second = 47L, hsecond = 0L), 
    RUNT.3 = list(hour = 18L, minute = 19L, second = 8L, hsecond = 0L), 
    RUNT.4 = list(hour = 19L, minute = 0L, second = 48L, hsecond = 0L))

Here is an example of the 'directory' table

directory.times <- structure(list(data_label = c("RUNT.1", "RUNT.2", "RUNT.3", "RUNT.4"
), abif_type = c("time", "time", "time", "time"), description = c("Run start time", 
"Run stop time", "Data Collection start time", "Data Collection stop time"
), value = list(RUNT.1 = list(hour = 17L, minute = 48L, second = 56L, 
    hsecond = 0L), RUNT.2 = list(hour = 19L, minute = 0L, second = 47L, 
    hsecond = 0L), RUNT.3 = list(hour = 18L, minute = 19L, second = 8L, 
    hsecond = 0L), RUNT.4 = list(hour = 19L, minute = 0L, second = 48L, 
    hsecond = 0L))), row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = "data.frame")

If I wanted to pull out one specific time, I could easily do this:


But I want to do this using dplyr, but it keeps erroring:

time.entry <- directory.times %>%
    mutate(time = case_when(abif_type == "time" ~

The error is:

no such index at level 2


  • I think it may all get much easier if we work with a data.frame and convert the time elements to hms beforehand. The example data can be transformed into data.frame without any loss, not so sure with the actual data.

    data.times <- data.times %>%
                  map_dfr(~.x) %>%
                  mutate(index = names(data.times), .before = everything()) %>%
                  unite(col = time, c(hour, minute, second), sep = ':') %>% 
                  mutate(time = hms(time))
    # A tibble: 4 x 3
      index  time        hsecond
      <chr>  <Period>      <int>
    1 RUNT.1 17H 48M 56S       0
    2 RUNT.2 19H 0M 47S        0
    3 RUNT.3 18H 19M 8S        0
    4 RUNT.4 19H 0M 48S        0

    I think you may pick it up from here