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Constants for Thickness

I am looking for a way to define Thickness in Xaml based on application wide defined constants, e.g.

<StackLayout Margin="MSpace,SSpace,LSpace,MSpace">
   <Label Text="Just an example"/>

where SSpace, MSpace and LSpace are constants defined once in the app.

If I was only dealing with my own custom controls only I could probably write my own TypeConverter (c# how to implement type converter) and decorate each property where appropriate with something like


I don't think this is an option since I want to use my string of constants with any type of Maui layout. I am looking for a solution where everything is done in xaml with the exception of defining the constants.


  • Define Thickness in XAML Resources:

    <x:Double x:Key="left">10</x:Double>
    <x:Double x:Key="top">20</x:Double>
    <x:Double x:Key="right">30</x:Double>
    <x:Double x:Key="bottom">40</x:Double>
    <Thickness x:Key="thickness" 
               Left="{StaticResource left}"
               Top="{StaticResource top}"
               Right="{StaticResource right}"
               Bottom="{StaticResource bottom}"/>

    Usage in XAML StackLayout:

    <StackLayout Margin="{StaticResource thickness}" />

    Thickness can also be used like this in a StackLayout Margin:

        <Thickness Left="{StaticResource left}"

    With constants:

    namespace ConstantsNamespace
      public static class Constants
        public const double Left = 10;

    Usage of constants in XAML Thickness:

    <Thickness Left="{x:Static ns:Constants.Left}"