I am trying to apply the ppoibin
(poisson binomial probabilities) function from the poibin package to each row in a dataframe. This function takes two parameters: an integer and a vector of probabilities. My data takes the form:
p <- matrix(c(0.046, 0.046, 0.323,
0.122, 0.122, 0.490,
0.122, 0.122, 0.490),
3 , 3, byrow = TRUE)
dat <- data.frame(k = c(0, 1, 0))
dat$p <- p
Within each row, k
is the integer where I want to evaluate the probability. The p[,1]
... p[,n]
values are the probability parameters for the function.
I can do this row-by-row in a loop and get the correct result:
for (i in c(1:nrow(dat))) {
dat$prob[i] <- ppoibin(dat$k[i], dat$p[i,])
I'd like to avoid the loop. However, if I try to apply the function directly to the dataframe using
dat$prob2 <- ppoibin(dat$k, dat$p[,])
I get an incorrect result. I suspect this requires using apply
or more likely mapply
, but I'm not sure how.
dat$prob2 <- sapply(1:nrow(dat), function(i) ppoibin(dat$k[i], dat$p[i,]))