Hello I am trying to insert an object into elasticsearch using it's API, the problem is that the IDs of elements that I want to insert are like this : ee5z4d5/54zd15zd/5zd45
when I sent a post request to host/index/id
with a body
, I got an error because the request url is host/index/ee5z4d5/54zd15zd/5zd45
I am using spring boot with feign client to comminucate with elasticsearch, and my question is how I can solve this problem
This is not an Elastic issue but more a web issue.
What you need to do, is encode the special char in the url.
Look at the solution below to find out what it means.
POST /73690410/_doc/ee5z4d5%2F54zd15zd%2F5zd45
"data": "my id has some slash"