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How do I force msbuild to create SARIF Files on CodeAnalysis

If I run the code analysis in Visual Studio 2022 (on a c++ project) I get a XML and a SARIF file for every code file.

Code Analysis with Visual Studio

No I try to run the code analysis with MSBuild 2022:

MSBuild.exe solution.sln -p:Configuration=Release /p:RunCodeAnalysis=true

But with this call I only get the code analysis XML files and no SARIF files.

Any idea how to force MSBuild to create the SARIF files?


  • describes a solution:

    Add a file to your Visual Studio solution:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
     <Project xmlns="">
             <AdditionalOptions>$(ClOptions) %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions>

    Now I can extend my MSBuild Command line on my CI-Server (TeamCity):

    /p:RunCodeAnalysis=true /p:ClOptions="/analyze:log%20MyApp.nativecodeanalysis.combined.sarif" (I had to replace the whitespace with %20).

    And one SARIF file is generated, or if you want one SARIF file for every code file:

    /p:RunCodeAnalysis=true /p:CaOptions="/analyze:log:format:sarif"

    If you want to add additional command line switches you have to separate it with %20:


    BUT: If I activate Clang-Tidy in my Visual Studio project I get the error CLANGTIDY : error : no such file or directory: '/analyze:log' [clang-diagnostic-error] and CLANGTIDY : error : unable to handle compilation, expected exactly one compiler job in ... - Does someone has an idea about that (except disabling Clang-Tidy)?