Search code examples

Selecting all rows after a row with specific values without repeating the same subquery

I have a table t1 and t2 which I join and order to form data set set1.

Two columns c1 and c2 form a unique identifier for the rows in set1.

I want to get all values from set1 after the first row with a specific c1 and c2.

I have a query like the one below which works, but it repeats the same subquery twice, which seems superfluous and overly complex even for Oracle:

  SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY c1, c3) myOrder, c1, c2, c3
  FROM t1, t2
  WHERE condition
  ORDER BY conditions
) sub1,
  SELECT sub1_again.myOrder FROM
    SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY c1, c3) myOrder, c2, c3
    FROM t1, t2
    WHERE condition
    ORDER BY conditions
  ) sub1_again
  WHERE sub1_again.c2 = "foo" AND sub1_again.c3 = "bar"
) sub2
WHERE sub1.myOrder >= sub2.myOrder
ORDER BY sub1.myOrder

It seems like SQL would have a simple way to do this, but I am not sure what to search for. Is there a cleaner way to do this?


      SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY c1, c3) myOrder, c2, c3
            ,CASE WHEN c2 = "foo" AND c3 = "bar"
                  THEN row_number() OVER (ORDER BY c1, c3)
             END target_rn
      FROM t1, t2
      WHERE condition
      ORDER BY conditions
    ) WHERE myOrder > target_rn;