I want to serialize a Dictionary<string, object>
object in such a way that whenever the value is a Guid
(or within the object graph of the value there is a Guid
), the Guid
is serialized as a string.
I tried running the following test:
Guid id = new ("11536e02-fcf3-4a8f-8b1d-ddfa6b4cee8a");
BsonSerializer.RegisterSerializer(new GuidSerializer(BsonType.String));
string json1 = BsonExtensionMethods.ToJson(id); // "11536e02-fcf3-4a8f-8b1d-ddfa6b4cee8a"
string json2 = BsonExtensionMethods.ToJson(new[] {id}); // ["11536e02-fcf3-4a8f-8b1d-ddfa6b4cee8a"]
string json3 = BsonExtensionMethods.ToJson(new {Id = id}); // { "Id": "11536e02-fcf3-4a8f-8b1d-ddfa6b4cee8a" }
string json4 = BsonExtensionMethods.ToJson(new Dictionary<string, object> {["Id"] = id}); // { "Id" : CSUUID("11536e02-fcf3-4a8f-8b1d-ddfa6b4cee8a") }
Everything works fine up to json4
which I expected to be identical to json3
, but for some reason nested GUID values in dictionaries are still serialized in binary. How do I tell MongoDB to globally serialize all GUIDs as strings?
The problem is that the standard serializer for dictionaries in the MongoDB.Driver (observed in version 2.17.1) uses ObjectSerializer
, which simply ignores the registered serializers for certain value types. This is arguably a bug. The workaround is to write and register your own serializers for dictionaries, arrays and objects.