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onFailure never called in quarkus reactive chain

I have this service class where I combine two Restcalls from Service A and B to one resonse object.

public class ResponseHandler {

Mapper mapper;

ServiceA serviceA;

ServiceB serviceB;

public Uni<Dto> handle(String id, String language) {
    return Uni.combine().all()
            .combinedWith((productsResponse, settingsResponse) ->, settingsResponse, language));


My positive test works perfect. But in case I mock ServiceB to throw an exception, the recover is never called and the whole chain is terminated with the expected exception:

                .thenThrow(new NotFoundException("Not found test"));

I assume I have a wrong understanding how onFailure works.... ?


  • Your serviceB.getSettings() call doesn't return a Uni that fails -- it directly throws an exception. Look at the stack trace of that exception -- there's nothing on the stack that could possibly catch it and transform it to a "failed Uni", it's just thrown too soon.

    You need to arrange the mock so that it returns a Uni that completes with an exception. Something like Uni.createFrom().failure(new NotFoundException("Not found test"));.