I have a table like this
Name Type Food Variant and Price
A Cake {‘Choco’:100, ‘Cheese’:100, ‘Mix’: 125}
B Drinks {‘Cola’:25, ‘Milk’:35}
C Side dish {‘French Fries’:20}
D Bread {None:10}
I want to use the keys and values of dictionaries in the Variant and Price column as 2 different columns but I am still confused, here is the output that I want:
Name Type Food Variant Price
A Cake Choco 100
A Cake Cheese 100
A Cake Mix 125
B Drinks Cola 25
B Drinks Milk 35
C Side dish French Fries 20
D Bread NaN 10
Can anyone help me to figure it out?
Create list of tuples and then use DataFrame.explode
, last create 2 columns:
df['Variant and Price'] = df['Variant and Price'].apply(lambda x: list(x.items()))
df = df.explode('Variant and Price').reset_index(drop=True)
df[['Variant','Price']] = df.pop('Variant and Price').to_numpy().tolist()
print (df)
Name Type Food Variant Price
0 A Cake Choco 100
1 A Cake Cheese 100
2 A Cake Mix 125
3 B Drinks Cola 25
4 B Drinks Milk 35
5 C Side dish French Fries 20
6 D Bread None 10
Or create 2 columns and then use DataFrame.explode
df['Variant'] = df['Variant and Price'].apply(lambda x: list(x.keys()))
df['Price'] = df.pop('Variant and Price').apply(lambda x: list(x.values()))
df = df.explode(['Variant', 'Price']).reset_index(drop=True)