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discord.js embed Cannot send an empty message

im trying to do an embed, but every time i try using it, it says "DiscordAPIError: Cannot send an empty message"

Here is the embed and everything related to it:

client.on('message',(message) => {
    if( return;
        let botMessageLog = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
        .setAuthor(`Logs`, client.user.avatarURL())
        .setDescription(`**${}** said: **${message.content}** in channel **${}**`)
        .setFooter(`Log system`, client.user.avatarURL())


  • You are doing many things wrong if you are using discord js v 14

    hare is a quick fix

    const {Client, EmbedBuilder} = require("discord.js")
    //define a new client
    client.on('messageCreate',(message) => {
        if( return;
            let botMessageLog = new EmbedBuilder()
            .setAuthor({name:`Logs`,iconURL: client.user.displayAvatarURL()})
            .setDescription(`**${}** said: **${message.content}** in channel **${}**`)
            .setFooter({text:`Log system`, iconURL: client.user.displayAvatarURL()  })
            //you must define bot as client

    it always better if you use the latest Version of discord js