Say I have the following graph:
(r1:R) (r11:R)
| /
(a1:A) -> (b1:B) -> (c1:C) -> (d1:D)
\ |
- -> (x1:X) -> (y1:Y) -> (c11:C)
| |
(p11:P) (p111:P)
| |
(r111:R) (r1111:R)
(a2:A) -> (b2:B) -> (c2:C) -> (d2:D)
(a3:A) -> (x3:X) -> (y3:Y) -> (c3:C) -> (d3:D)
| |
(p3:P) (p33:P)
| |
(r3:R) (r33:R)
and I can use this query to get path based on specific rules and merge paths based on the D node attribute name into subgraphs
MATCH (a:A), (d:D)
OPTIONAL MATCH p1=((a)-->(:B)-->(:C)-->(d))
OPTIONAL MATCH p2=((a)-->(:X)-->(:Y)-->(:C)-->(d))
WITH AS dName,
COLLECT(COALESCE(nodes(p1),[]) + COALESCE(nodes(p2),[]))
) AS nodes,
COLLECT(COALESCE(relationships(p1),[]) + COALESCE(relationships(p2),[]))
) AS relationships
WHERE nodes <> []
WITH nodes, relationships,
[src IN nodes WHERE src:X OR src:C |
SRC: src,
P: HEAD([(src)--(p:P) | p]),
R: [(src)--(p:P)--(r:R) | r]
] AS srcs
RETURN nodes, relationships, srcs
Notice for C and X nodes, these are decorating nodes P and R. There is always a P node decorating C node and a P node decorating X node. There can be at least one R nodes decorating P nodes.
One very important thing: The above query will collect P and R nodes from both node X and C when the path contains both X and C. But when the path has X node, I only want to get the P and R nodes that decorate the X node and not the C node.
How should I modify the query?
To handle the condition, you can just change the latter part of your query to this
WITH nodes, relationships,
CASE WHEN ANY(node IN nodes WHERE node:X) THEN
[src IN nodes WHERE src:X |
SRC: src,
P: HEAD([(src)--(p:P) | p]),
R: [(src)--(p:P)--(r:R) | r]
[src IN nodes WHERE src:X OR src:C |
SRC: src,
P: HEAD([(src)--(p:P) | p]),
R: [(src)--(p:P)--(r:R) | r]
END AS srcs