How can I convert decimal answers, e.g. 3353/6
into 558 5/6
gets me 558.8333 but not in the fraction term. Is there any in-built function for this purpose?
This function does the basic calculation you need:
nicefrac <- function(x) {
f <- attr(MASS::fractions(x), "fracs") ## extract string representation
s <- as.numeric(strsplit(f, "/")[[1]])
res <- c(whole = s[1] %/% s[2], num = s[1] %% s[2], denom = s[2])
x <- 3353/6
## whole num denom
## 558 5 6
Depending on how you want to print/represent this, you could (1) leave it as-is; (2) use sprintf("%d %d/%d", nicefrac[1], nicefrac[2], nicefrac[3])
to convert to a string representation; (3) write a little S3 class with a print
method that does what you want (modifying MASS:::print.fractions