Having trouble with cast syntax. I get an error message with this and I am having trouble figuring out what the problem is. I'm using pandasql.
SELECT CAST((((male_year_df.total_male_suicides) / female_year_df.total_female_suicides)) AS DECIMAL(1,5)) AS male_female_ratio), male_year_df.year
EDIT: this is the error message: OperationalError: near ")": syntax error
your parethesis are too much of, also DECIMAL(1,5)
is not allowed as the first number has to be equal or bigger than the second number
/ (female_year_df.total_female_suicides)
) AS DECIMAL(5,5)) AS male_female_ratio
, male_year_df.year
You can first define the firsst number with the precision you need and then divide the second number, so that the engine will not use integer division
SELECT CAST(male_year_df.total_male_suicides AS DECIMAL(5,5))
/ (female_year_df.total_female_suicides) AS male_female_ratio
, male_year_df.year