I'm using ASP.NET Core. A lot.
My project structure is as follows (example):
public ILogicStuff
public IAdditionalLogicStuff
internal IAddition
internal ISubtraction
internal LogicStuff : ILogicStuff
internal AdditionalLogicStuff : IAdditionalLogicStuff
internal Addition : IAddition
internal Subtraction : ISubtraction
I use my own "auto config" system which uses an attribute ([ImplementedBy(typeof(LogicStuff))]
) to setup IoC (kilometer long lists of "AddSingleton" here and "AddTransient" there are inacceptable). This is solved, I simply use reflection on service startup and iterate through the whole app domain. Works like a charm.
What I would like to implement:
attributeIs this doable with the ReSharper SDK so I can use this in Rider? I'm good in C# but have no clue when it comes to Java, so I'd prefer to use the ReSharper SDK.
I believe you can do this even without creating a custom plugin, but just by creating a (kind of advanced) file template. Rider supports creating several files from single template, putting them into specified folders and so on.
The only limitation currently is UI for creating such template in Rider is not ready yet, so you can explore two possible options:
Here is the documentation about this multifile templates: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/resharper/Templates__Creating_and_Editing_Templates__Multifile.html