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Vectorising a function array in Matlab

My generic problem is illustrated by the following example:

f=@(x,y) cos(x.*y);
Yvalues = linspace(0,1,50);
W = @(x) f(x,Yvalues);

which works fine if I only want to evaluate W at one point at a time. For instance:

ans =


But how do I go about evaluating W at any number of points?

Thanks in advance.


  • If you change

    f=@(x,y) cos(x.*y);


    f=@(x,y) cos(x'*y);

    you can execute W([1 2 3])

    For example,

    >> f = @(x,y) cos(x'*y);
    >> yv = linspace(0,1,5);
    >> W = @(x) f(x,yv);
    >> W(1)
    ans =
        1.0000    0.9689    0.8776    0.7317    0.5403
    >> W(2)
    ans =
        1.0000    0.8776    0.5403    0.0707   -0.4161
    >> W(3)
    ans =
        1.0000    0.7317    0.0707   -0.6282   -0.9900
    >> W([1 2 3])
    ans =
        1.0000    0.9689    0.8776    0.7317    0.5403
        1.0000    0.8776    0.5403    0.0707   -0.4161
        1.0000    0.7317    0.0707   -0.6282   -0.9900