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Return authorization token with users credentials after sign in using devise-auth-token

I am using devise-auth-token. It is working perfectly. I want when a user is signed in, she/she should get authorization not only in header section but also with the user fields. Following are the screen shots attached for everyone to understand it better.Authorization token is in the headers section and I want that in the user returning variables like under image or nickname. [1]:


  • If you go through devise_token_auth's codebase, you can see how the tokens are generated here.

    You can override the sessions_controller's create action like this:

    def create
      super do
        render json: { user: current_user, 
                       token: @token }.to_json and return

    The and return prevents from DoubleRenderError.

    It returns token along with your current_user in this format :

    "token": {
            "client": "ZYUyzKCspyEN1dhUg",
            "token": "_y3JeRYQaEqH1cA",
            "token_hash": "ZGzsWyFNcmfoq5YlD9c2",
            "expiry": 166411321 