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QtApplication Error. Sound Effect is not a type. M300 error

I am facing a QQmlApplicationEngine failure while loading a component. The error is mentioned below:

QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/KBButton.qml:54:5: SoundEffect is not a type

The following section of KBButton.qml is failing:

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtMultimedia 5.15

Rectangle {
    id: kbButton
    property double size: 100
    x: centerX - width / 2
    y: centerY - height / 2

    SoundEffect { ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Error occurs here. Unknown Component (M300)
        id: clickSound
        source: "resources/ClickSound.wav"

    onClick: {
        isSelected = false;

.pro file contains the following. Although I am importing QtMultimedia in qml files and not in C++ files, I still added the multimedia and multimediawidgets to qmake project file

QT += qml quick widgets core quickcontrols2 multimedia multimediawidgets

The code model could be reset using the Main Menu option available in QtCreator, as suggested by some online forums:

Tools > QML/JS > Reset Code Model but this did not work. It didn't help either to run qmake again.

What can be done to resolve this error?


  • As far as I know, QML should load the right version for you, so in this case it seems a good solution is to remove the version from your import: import QtMultimedia instead of import QtMultimedia 5.15

    More info about the import statement: