I am trying to plot a histogram
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
v = ['1302.42', '7.85422', '21.0631', '6956.37', '10000', '10000', '7312.88', '7708.98', '8421.12', '7419.41',
'1952.47', '6762.42', '10000', '4057.73', '2051.06', '10000']
plt.hist(v, bins=np.linspace(0, 10000, 11))
plt. set(ylabel='Frequency')
The plot doesn't appear right. I am not sure if the bin specification is correct. I am trying to set an interval of 1000. The actual values range from 0 to 10000.
Suggestions on how to fix this will be really helpful.
Looks fine, you just need to convert your strings into floats:
v = [float(v) for v in [
'1302.42', '7.85422', '21.0631', '6956.37', '10000', '10000', '7312.88',
'7708.98', '8421.12', '7419.41', '1952.47', '6762.42', '10000', '4057.73', '2051.06',
And then the rest of the code is identical.