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hvplot not displaying dynamically

The code below works fine

    ["Country", "Life expectancy "]
    .sort_values(by="Life expectancy ", ascending=True))

data_2015.reset_index()"Country", y="Life expectancy ", rot=90,width=2000, height=550, title = "Life Expectancy for ALL Countries for 2015")

but when I try to input data_year dynamically with the code below, the plot does not show

year = input ('Life expectancy ranking of what year between 2000-2015 are you interested in?:  ')

    [["Country", "Life expectancy "]]
    .sort_values(by="Life expectancy ", ascending=False))

data_year.reset_index()"Country", y="Life expectancy ", rot=90,width=2100, height=500, title ="Life expectancy ranking of countries in 2015")

what am i missing?


  • The issue you are facing is due to the input process. When you use input(), the data is read as a string. Convert it to integer using int() and it will work.

    Updated code

    year = input ('Life expectancy ranking of what year between 2000-2015 are you interested in?:  ')
        [["Country", "Life expectancy "]]
        .sort_values(by="Life expectancy ", ascending=False))
    myTitle = "Life expectancy ranking of countries in " + year
    data_year.reset_index()"Country", y="Life expectancy ", rot=90,width=2100, height=500, title = myTitle)

    enter image description here